Pray today
Guinea's political situation is cause for prayer. Successfully held elections in the 2010s were followed by a Presidential attempt to change the constitution to allow himself more terms in office. Following massive protests and a food crisis, a military coup in 2021 deposed the President and promised a return to civilian rule by 2024. Instead, military authorities are cracking down on dissent, opposition, and the media. Currently, the Christian minority and the missionary community have the freedom to share the blessed hope of Christ to a nation long-plagued by poverty, corruption, and uncertainty. May they seize this opportunity with confidence and faith - the people of Guinea are desperate for hope.
Leadership training for pastors and laymen is a great need. Guinea has three Bible schools, two run by EPEG/CMA and one by AoG. Six leadership training schools for laymen are run by the EPEC for the Kissi, Toma and Kpelle churches. PAoC and EPEG/CMA/MPA both run TEE programmes. Despite all of this, there is still an overall lack of leaders in most areas, which delays church growth and evangelization. Pastors and leaders also need to be trained as mission mobilizers; pray for more godly leaders to be raised up and trained.
Guinea remains largely unreached. Despite increased missionary activity, most peoples remain a pioneer challenge. Muslims have strong animistic elements, and the three dominant peoples are all Muslim. Pray for the courage and boldness of those who follow Christ, and for families and groups to turn to Christ; it is very difficult for isolated individuals to maintain their walk of faith. While the number of converts from these groups is a steady trickle, much prayer is required before a major breakthrough is seen. If these peoples could see breakthrough, the entire nation would be transformed:
- Malinke. SIM in Guinea focuses primarily on the Malinke; the past radio ministry needs to be revived. SIM facilitated the composing and recording of worship music written and performed by Malinkes. CMA, EPEG and Lutherans also have an outreach to the Malinke. There are now a few Malinke churches with Malinke leaders. Pray for effective new strategies and greater responsiveness to the gospel.
- Fulbe, or Futa Jalon, are strongly Muslim and known as the custodians of Islam throughout West Africa. There is a partnership of missions attempting to reach the Fulbe with the gospel. Through the work of CRWM, CMA, CAPRO, WEC, IMB, AoG and the Swiss AME/Mission Philafricaine, there is a small but growing number of believers. It is hard for new believers to break free from Islam's societal and spiritual bonds. Radio broadcasts, audio resources, the recently completed New Testament, development projects and mission workers all help to reach the Fulbe. Pray for a culturally appropriate way to share faith in Jesus with the traditionally nomadic Fulbe.
- Susu. Apart from the eight rather nominal Anglican congregations on offshore islands and in Conakry, there are a few believers through the witness of CMA, CAPRO, WEC, Open Bible Standard Mission, the Nigerian Shekinah Mission, PBT, NTM and the IMB. There are three small Susu churches in and around Conakry, and also Susu believers in the southern interior and near the Guinea-Bissau border. The New Testament has just been translated and audio Scripture recorded; pray for their effective distribution.
- Young people's ministry is vital in Guinea, since 43% of the population are under age 15. Cru, YWAM and IFES all have ministry in the country. IFES has campus ministry in 20 of 33 cities, but consolidation of these newly formed groups is essential. CAPRO runs a youth centre in Conakry and CMA/MPA in Télimélé, with encouraging response. Sports ministry (particularly football) is proving very fruitful as well. Pray for the Spirit to draw these younger Guineans to Christ.
- The forest region of Guinea especially needs intercession. Scores of thousands of refugees from Liberia and Sierra Leone remain. They are mostly Mandingo and often restive ex-rebels. Their Islamic aggression and belligerent presence create great tension with the native Kpelle, among whom there are many Christians. Some perceive this as a potential powder keg waiting to explode and destabilize the whole region.
- Missions. Since 1981, EPEG/CMA have welcomed new evangelical agencies. Most work in close cooperation as members of the Association des Eglises et Missions Evangéliques en Guinée (AEMEG). Pray for close fellowship among mission agencies and with national churches. Guinea is a hard land requiring genuine pioneer missionaries; pray for strength, health and perseverance for all brave enough to answer God's call. Pray for still more missionaries, especially to the Muslim groups. Also pray for national believers to become more mobilized for mission; the Guinean Church must engage in outreach. Major missions are NTM, CMA, MPA (AME), PBT, IMB, SIM, CRWM.
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Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.