Embed the Widget

Thank you for your interest in using the Operation World web widget on your website!  This page provides you with the ability to customize the widget to your specific needs.  Once you have selected the options that fit your requirements, you can simply copy the code provided below, and place it in the appropriate places.  When you set either the language or the contrast mode to auto, the widget will detect the user’s settings automatically, and set the appropriate values.  We hope you enjoy the new widget.  Thank you for joining us in prayer for the nations!


Place this code where you want the widget to reside:

<div class="ow-web-widget" style="height: 800px;"></div>

Near the closing body tag, add the following Javascript:

(function() {
    var s = document.createElement('script');
    s.src = 'https://widget.operationworld.org/js/widget.js';
    s.async = true;