Pray for: United States of America

Flag for United States of America

Key Stats

Religion & Geography
Category Statistic
Continent: North America
Capital: Washington DC
Population: 341,814,420
% Urban: 82.9 %
Official Language: English. The growing Spanish-speaking Hispanic population is 19% of the population and numbers 62 million
Languages: 176
Literacy Rate: 99 %
Life Expectancy: 77.2 yrs (66/236)
HDI Ranking: 21 / 189
% Christian: 77.6 %
% Evangelical: 28.9 %
Largest Religion: Christian
% Largest Religion: 77.6 %
People Groups: 522
Least Reached People Groups: 97
% Unevangelized: 2 %


United States of America

Title: United States of America

Tier: 1

Type: country

Christianity has influenced the USA as much as any other nation. Evangelicals (28.9% of population) exist in all major ethnic groups and levels of society. The Pilgrim Fathers of America wanted a land with freedom to practise their Christian faith. This foundation supported the growth of one of the largest Christian movements in history. The USA has 17.6% of the world’s Protestants and 16.8% of the world’s evangelicals, and a large proportion of the world’s missionaries. More than 2,000 recognized institutions offer theological degrees in the USA and Canada. 30,000-50,000 students graduate each year with a desire to impact the world for Christ. America’s Christian values shaped modern democracy, human rights, and economic development. Generosity, evangelistic work, and big visions help the gospel progress. Pray that these may continue!

United States of America

Title: United States of America

Tier: 1

Type: country

The spiritual heritage of the USA is under attack from various groups who use their media power to discredit Christians and erase Christianity from American public life. Foremost among these are aggressive secularists and atheists. Admittedly, Christians have, by their division and weakened testimony, made themselves an easy target. Rising post-colonialism exposes many important issues that need addressing in Christianity, but if done in the wrong spirit, can become a destructive dynamic that causes more harm than good. Pray that Christians in America will grow in unity, speak the truth in love, and preserve the Christian legacy and free speech of their country. Pray for Christ-like attitudes and conduct in all conversations and actions with other Christians and even with those who attack them. How Christians live and speak matters as much as what they say.

United States of America

Title: United States of America

Tier: 1

Type: country

America has a massive cultural and social influence. No other country has as much potential to be a redemptive force in the world, and no other country does more to spread sin. America has made the world a better place through aid and development, innovation in technology and media, universal education, information, defence of human rights, and opposition to tyranny. America has also hurt the world through insensitive cultural domination, selfish individualism, corporate greed, and spreading of pornography, casual violence, and obsession with possessions, wealth, and poverty. America’s desire for illicit drugs and fossil fuels causes wars abroad, keeps corrupt regimes in power, and inflicts suffering on indigenous peoples of other lands. Pray that God might shape this nation to be a greater force for good, and destroy these sinful practices that pollute much of the world.

United States of America

Title: United States of America

Tier: 1

Type: country

American churches and Christians now connect with each other more through renewal and revival movements and networks centred around shared values and theology. They connect less through denominations. Most denominations struggle to keep members. These newer movements thrive. Millions of believers participate in megachurches with their networks and satellite churches, or in house church movements. Charismatic and Pentecostal movements continue to rise across the various Christian traditions and denominations. Pentecostals/charismatics were 10% of the population in 1970, but are now well over 20% by 2010.

United States of America

Title: United States of America

Tier: 1

Type: country

New expressions of Christian and evangelical faith emerged in recent years, within and alongside existing white and Black churches. These groups show commitment to spirituality and holistic ministry, and practise their faith with worship and engagement in their communities. They show less loyalty to the political or denominational barriers dividing previous generations. The lively and active ethnic minority churches grow and mature. Black, Hispanic, and Asian churches reach their own people, shape their communities, and are an integral part of the whole of American Christianity. Asian-Americans send many missionaries, and Latino and Black churches now send more missionaries than before. Pray for the evangelical Church in the USA to celebrate its multicultural reality, and for believers to love and esteem one another amidst the cultural differences.

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Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.