Key Stats
Category | Statistic |
Continent: | Pacific |
Capital: | Apia |
Population: | 219,307 |
% Urban: | 17.4 % |
Population Under 15 Yrs: | 38 % |
Official Language: | Samoan; English |
Languages: | 2 |
Literacy Rate: | 99 % |
Life Expectancy: | 72.8 yrs (124/236) |
HDI Ranking: | 111 / 189 |
% Christian: | 96.6 % |
% Evangelical: | 18 % |
Largest Religion: | Christian |
% Largest Religion: | 96.6 % |
People Groups: | 6 |
% Unevangelized: | 0 % |
Samoans have been Christian for over a century, and every village has at least one church. But the traditional class structure and pre-Christian cultural standards were not necessarily transformed by the gospel. Much of the Church suffers from nominalism, and rivalry among denominations does not generate a good spiritual atmosphere. Pride and politics influence church life too much, and the financial demands on a poorer population are heavy. These, coupled with the modern challenges of domestic strife and imported moral vice, make for a society in need of prayer.
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Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.