Key Stats
Category | Statistic |
Continent: | Asia |
Capital: | Ulaanbataar (Ulan Bator) |
Population: | 3,493,629 |
% Urban: | 68.8 % |
Population Under 15 Yrs: | 30.8 % |
Official Language: | Mongolian (the Khalkha dialect is predominant) |
Languages: | 15 |
Literacy Rate: | 97 % |
Life Expectancy: | 71 yrs (144/236) |
HDI Ranking: | 96 / 189 |
% Christian: | 1.7 % |
% Evangelical: | 1.2 % |
Largest Religion: | Buddhist |
% Largest Religion: | 35.3 % |
People Groups: | 28 |
Least Reached People Groups: | 22 |
% Unevangelized: | 51 % |
The growth of Christianity in modern Mongolia is truly an answer to prayer! Perhaps only 4 Mongolian believers existed in 1989, but by 2010 over 40,000 believers worshipped in hundreds of churches and groups around the country! Today, that number is larger still, and the Mongolian Church is growing not just in numbers but in maturity and contextualized expression. The Church is less than one generation old, but it already sends missionaries to unreached areas, runs national ministries, and develops its own Mongolian-style worship music.
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Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.