Pray for: Ethiopia

Flag for Ethiopia

Key Stats

Religion & Geography
Category Statistic
Continent: Africa
Capital: Addis Ababa
Population: 129,719,719
% Urban: 22.2 %
Population Under 15 Yrs: 40.3 %
Official Language: Amharic; majority of the population are able to speak it; English widely taught. Regional languages are very important
Languages: 88
Literacy Rate: 49 %
Life Expectancy: 65 yrs (192/236)
HDI Ranking: 175 / 189
% Christian: 60.7 %
% Evangelical: 19.6 %
Largest Religion: Christian
% Largest Religion: 60.7 %
People Groups: 129
Least Reached People Groups: 38
% Unevangelized: 15 %
Persecution Ranking: 39 / 50



Title: Ethiopia

Tier: 1

Type: country

The nation struggles through social, political, and economic crises. The major ethnic groups (Amhara, Tigrinya, Oromo, Somali, Afar) divide themselves largely by geographic region, which gives each more independence at the expense of national unity. As a result, Ethiopia’s stability and power balances are precarious. Corruption increased with economic growth, and a wide gap now exists between the few who are rich and the many who are poor. From 2020, devastating civil conflict – along ethnic lines – erased much of the progress of recent years. The Tigray region was attacked by both Ethiopian and Eritrean forces, under the banner of rooting out terrorist groups. Tigrayans describe it is genocide. While the violence has abated somewhat, the humanitarian crisis remains intense with 20 million people affected by the conflict. Pray for an end to the terrible violence, and a peace that offers esteem to every region and ethnic group while also enabling a genuine national unity.


Title: Ethiopia

Tier: 1

Type: country

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is enduring a time of immense change. Centuries of isolation from the rest of the Christian world – as a Christian island in a sea of Islam – helped form its unique culture, theology and traditions. The Orthodox Church is being challenged by the growth of both Islam and contemporary Christian movements, but its roots run deep. Pray for God to bring new vibrancy to this ancient faith.

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Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.