Pray for: Cameroon

Flag for Cameroon

Key Stats

Religion & Geography
Category Statistic
Continent: Africa
Capital: Yaounde
Population: 29,394,433
% Urban: 58.1 %
Population Under 15 Yrs: 42.4 %
Official Language: French; English
Languages: 279
Literacy Rate: 75 %
Life Expectancy: 60.3 yrs (218/236)
HDI Ranking: 151 / 189
% Christian: 53.8 %
% Evangelical: 9 %
Largest Religion: Christian
% Largest Religion: 53.8 %
People Groups: 293
Least Reached People Groups: 17
% Unevangelized: 16 %
Persecution Ranking: 45 / 50



Title: Cameroon

Tier: 1

Type: country

God has blessed Cameroon with material resources, relative stability, and a diversity of peoples. Many significant leaders (professional, military, police, political) now follow Christ! This gives hope for change in a society infamous for corruption. Pray that those who steal from the nation would change their ways – or be caught and prevented from doing it any longer – and that people will no longer tolerate corruption, but rather will work together to eradicate it. The best solution to corruption is a transformation of hearts.


Title: Cameroon

Tier: 1

Type: country

Deep divisions of language, faith, and politics lead to tension and violence. Cameroon divides between French and English regions. It also divides between Christian, Muslim, and traditional religions, and between those who hold political power and the opposition. The increasing activity of Islamist groups in the north further threatens peace. Pray for God to raise up reconcilers and peacemakers in this divided land.

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Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.