Key Stats
Category | Statistic |
Continent: | Latin America |
Capital: | Brasilia |
Population: | 217,637,297 |
% Urban: | 87.3 % |
Population Under 15 Yrs: | 21 % |
Official Language: | Portuguese |
Languages: | 193 |
Literacy Rate: | 98 % |
Life Expectancy: | 72.8 yrs (121/236) |
HDI Ranking: | 87 / 189 |
% Christian: | 91.4 % |
% Evangelical: | 26.3 % |
Largest Religion: | Christian |
% Largest Religion: | 91.4 % |
People Groups: | 323 |
Least Reached People Groups: | 49 |
% Unevangelized: | 1 % |
Brazil’s evangélicos grew from 2 million in 1960 to an estimated 55 million in 2020. They are one of the largest evangelical populations in the world, and very strong in prayer meetings and movements. Large gatherings, women’s networks, youth movements, and events like the March for Jesus, all bring masses together to pray and celebrate Jesus. Praise God for Brazilian prayer warriors!
Brazil faces many serious challenges ahead, but none more important to address than the deep political divide between right and left. USA-style polarization and bitter acrimony have seized the platform in Brazilian politics. This chasm is as unnecessary as it is tragic; Brazil has a wide array of parties all along the spectrum. The issues of economic inequality, the plight of the Amazon rainforest, violent crime and gangs, and child labour and prostitution are all too consequential to ignore. The entire region needs a strong and unified Brazil to see genuine progress, nowhere more so than Haiti and Venezuela. Pray that Brazil would be able to move past such divides and see their diversity as a strength. Pray that the most populous Latin American nation would be able to provide an anchor of stability, progress, and justice not just to its own 200 million-plus people but to the entire region.
Many regions of Brazil still lack an evangelical presence. The poor and less-developed northeast region has the lowest percentage of evangelicals, especially Piauí and Ceará. Pray for greater response to Pentecostal outreach there. Cities have many churches, but many needs. Up to one-third of the populations of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo live in crime-filled slums. The rich and powerful, and the ethnic minorities often have few evangelicals. The battles between ganglords and police often make victims of the innocent. Brazil has 8 million children at risk, 7 million child labourers, and 600,000 girls in prostitution. Some churches and agencies help children through orphanages and job training ministries, but it is not enough. Pray for Christian ministry to every area of need.
Indigenous peoples. The Amazon Basin has 36,000 communities without a church. Most can only be reached by boat. Church planting is difficult because of the isolation and poverty, but several organizations send missionary boats. Pray also for sensitivity as numerous agencies minister to the Amerindian groups spread across Brazil. These indigenous peoples suffered centuries of oppression, exploitation, and worse. Problems continue to this day. The rampant, illegal deforestation of the Amazon in the name of economic development has been devastating to these indigenous groups. Brazilians need to see these peoples as national treasures instead of a nuisance. Pray that Christians would lead the way in advocating for sustainable development, and for justice for these threatened communities. Ask God also to bless the 45 current Bible translation efforts, and to send workers to help with the 10 languages that still need the Scriptures.
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Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.