
CoVid Prayers for the Nations – Pausing, or Going Forward?

Greetings everyone,

We trust that wherever you are, that you are well in body and spirit, and living in a way that loves God and loves your neighbour!

There remains much to pray for related to CoVid-19, all around the world. The urgency of the unfolding pandemic back in the spring has seemingly given way to settling in for a long haul over the winter, dealing with lockdowns, waiting for further developments with vaccines, learning about the long term health effects of the disease, and apparently disagreeing about various public health policies and the efficacy of masks and distancing. Whatever our convictions, may our conversations “always be gracious, seasoned with salt” (Col 4:6).

On the positive side, this season is a profound opportunity for Christians to demonstrate the transforming power of the gospel in our families, communities, and nations. We can do this powerfully by living for God’s glory, with Kingdom values, with the character of Jesus, and the fruit of the Spirit. May we act “with humility, counting others more significant than ourselves. Let us look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others” (Phil 2:3-4). A radical counter-cultural movement led by Jesus will always have the capacity to turn the world upside-down!

As for this micro-site, we are going to put a pause on the CoVid-related posts for the country of the day while we figure out our own next steps. We have been impacted as a small team by lockdown developments in the UK and elsewhere, and as missionaries/volunteers, are more dependent than ever on God’s provision through His people. Additionally, it is our desire to accelerate into the start of the work on a whole new edition of Operation World, and that may require some of the smaller side projects, like this one, being wound down.

The OW website and mobile app, along with the social media channels on Facebook and Instagram, all continue to lift up the long term, strategic prayer needs of every nation. Please join us in this task, which remains our responsibility until Jesus returns!