Pray today
The horrific Hamas attacks of 7 October 2023 not only escalated murderous violence in this region, but provoked deep division on the Israel-Palestine situation globally - not least among Christians. Pray for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in these areas:
- A just settlement of land issues. There are hundreds of Jewish settlements (including many illegal outposts) in Palestinian territory, and there are over 2 million Arab-Israelis in Israel. Both sides feel strong claims to the land. Both feel aggrieved at past - and very real - injustices. Both Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their exclusive capital. Both believe God is on their side. Pray that the God of all justice will bring true justice and mercy to both Jews and Arabs in the Holy Land.
- Improved living conditions. The vast majority of those in Gaza have been displaced. The conflict has increased the misery by orders of magnitude as what little infrastructure and economic activity existed was flattened by Israel's bombings. Debate over the causes and where fault lies does not change the fact that there is much suffering with thousands of non-combatants, women, and children killed. God longs to bless and show kindness to all nations and peoples. May we pray that Gazans might know it, too.
- Leadership for the Palestinian people focused on advocating and caring for Palestinians, rather than genocidal hatred against Israel. Hamas (elected back in 2006) is more dedicated to harming Israel than helping Palestinians. But other factions such as Fatah and the PLO have proven ineffective, unpopular, or corrupt. Pray for God to establish a governing authority for Gaza and the West Bank that will serve His purposes - the peace, restoration, and salvation of the Palestinian people.
- Pray not only for the peace of Jerusalem, but also that both sides meet the Prince of Peace. Human negotiations may lead to temporary ceasefires, but it is through Him alone that any meaningful reconciliation will come.
Palestinian Christians find themselves attacked or betrayed from all sides. They are regarded as Arab Palestinians by Israel and as Western collaborators by extremist Muslims, and they are generally ignored or abandoned by the global Church. Yet they trace their roots back to pre-Islamic times. Their numbers in Palestine itself have declined at an accelerating rate, largely due to emigration. The pull to leave is strong, with a vastly greater quality of life available elsewhere, and with increasing pressures from Israel on one side and Islamists on the other. Pray that those who remain might continue to stay strong in both their Christian faith and in their commitment to live out the gospel in very difficult conditions. Pray that they might also know God's protection.
Arab evangelicals number several thousand in 30 churches, most on the West Bank. They feel isolated and rejected by Jews, Arabs, traditional Christians and even Western evangelicals. The formation and operations of the Council of Local Evangelical Churches in the Holy Land are very positive developments. The loss of leadership through emigration is very damaging. Bethlehem Bible College plays a key role in training new leaders but faces many challenges. Pray for this ministry, and pray for courage, endurance and a spirit of love for evangelicals in Palestine. Pray especially for believers from a Muslim background to stay strong and to grow in their new faith.
Palestinian exiles make up 61% of all Palestinians. While Israel's harshness toward them was not admirable, neighbouring Arab lands were grudging and unhappy hosts. Palestinians in exile have mostly lived for generations in refugee camps (breeding grounds for extremism) and still face the spectre of poverty and uncertainty. Their possible return to the Holy Land remains a hugely divisive issue, since sheer numbers would threaten to swamp Israel's population. Pray for a solution that offers justice and righteousness to these unwanted people. Pray also for Christians to demonstrate love and concern for them in effective ways.
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Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.