July 20 - Pray for: Israel

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Israeli-Arab conflict in the Holy Land moved to a new level over a century ago, intensifying since 1948. The 2023 Israel-Hamas war saw horrific attacks against civilians in Israel, followed by much greater numbers of civilian deaths in Gaza following the Israeli Defense Force's invasion. Resolution to any conflict is elusive due to competing claims and agendas. Both sides lay claim to the land, and all human efforts to resolve this conflict have failed. The violence in 2023 saw waves of global marches, protests, and counter-protests with a divided world arguing about who to blame. The lines are often blurred between supporting beleaguered Palestinians and expressing anti-Semitism. Pray that both sides of this conflict will find true reconciliation and genuine Shalom through Jesus the Messiah.


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Interest in the gospel increased within Israel, especially among Jews, and especially the last few years. At least 12,000 Jews recognize Jesus as their Messiah just within Israel. Messianic Jews are now an undeniable part of Israeli society, but growth also brings persecution. Pray for boldness in witness, and perseverance in faith despite the opposition. The return of Jews to Israel was a significant period in Jewish history. Many see it as a fulfilment of prophecy. Pray for the nation’s spiritual restoration (Romans 11:25-31).

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The Christian Church in Israel is fragmented, although soundings of unity are beginning. It is comprised of about 80% Arabs, 12% expatriates (Egyptian, Ethiopian, Greek, Russian, Armenian, Italian, others) and 8% Jews. There are Catholics (five rites), Orthodox (nine traditions) and Protestants/Independents (over 20 denominations, many individual congregations and over 100 mission agencies). Pray for spiritual unity that transcends history, ethnic conflict, national origins, eschatology and secondary areas of theology.

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Unity between Messianic Jews and Arab Christians. A quiet revolution in relationships between Jewish and Arab believers is beginning in the Holy Land. The recently formed Convention of Evangelical Churches in Israel (and an equivalent organization in the Palestinian Authority) is a major step forward. Jewish and Arab believers cooperate in ministry through the National Evangelism Committee. Their joint outreach efforts into Muslim areas are well received. Many other grassroots initiatives, often unreported, see these two groups of believers, from very different backgrounds, blazing a trail of reconciliation and friendship that is an example to the rest of the region. But some others question or are even opposed to such developments. Pray that there might be grace among all who call upon Jesus/Yeshua/Isa to love, support and bear with one another.

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Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.