June 28 - Pray for: India

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Gujarat remains a place of religious tension and persecution. The state government and the police support Hindu militant groups that intimidate Muslims and Christians in Dalit and tribal groups. Gujarat was the birthplace of the leader Gandhi. Pray for the peace and tolerance he promoted to become a reality here! Religious oppression at times prevents Christian outreach, and creates division among believers. But persecution sometimes brings new life and revival. Pray for labourers to the unreached, especially The Jains. The Saurashtra (peninsula that reaches into the Arabian Sea) has over 1 million Jains. Ahmadabad is a major Jain centre, with over 100 temples and little Christian work.


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  • Goa is a beautiful, bio-diverse area that attracts many tourists from India and the world each year. But with this come structures of sin, such as drug trafficking and child prostitution. Pray for a government that will act decisively to end these evils; pray for those caught up in them to be delivered into new life.
  • Traditional Catholicism is the legacy of Portuguese rule. Hindu beliefs and customs are interwoven with Christianity. New life in Christ and a clear understanding of biblical Christianity are great needs; pray for both. There is a significant Catholic charismatic presence, but Protestants are only around 1,300 in number and churches are very few.
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Himachal Pradesh

  • Himachal Pradesh had long been India's least-evangelized state, although this may no longer be the case. Called the "land of the gods"
  • There has been significant growth in the Church. From a few thousand Christians in years past, there are now reportedly 600 congregations as well as numerous house groups meeting to worship Jesus. This is a result of the committed witness of Christian workers sent by Indian agencies to preach the gospel. Pray for the ongoing ministry of the various agencies operating there. There are now over 380 Christian workers and three training schools that equip and train church planters. Pray for the multiplication of believers and churches and for the fellowship and collaboration of all groups engaged in gospel work.
  • Persecution and anti-conversion legislation are reactions of Hindutva groups and the government to Christian preaching. Some Christians have been forcibly converted back to Hinduism. Laws passed in 2007 make evangelism increasingly difficult. Pray for the freedom to share the gospel and for boldness for Christians to share, whatever the cost.
  • Lahul-Spiti district is largely culturally Tibetan. Over 5,000 Tibetan refugees have settled in Dharamsala, the Dalai Lama's headquarters. Much international aid flows into efforts to retain Tibetan identity, culture and language, which are now being lost in Tibet. Pray for the gospel to reach the 100,000 Tibetan refugees in India; Tibetan Buddhism is immensely resistant to spiritual breakthrough. SEANET-India is engaged in reaching Buddhists. There are a precious handful of Lahuli/Bhotia believers.

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Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.