March 19 - Pray for: British Virgin Islands

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Tourism combined with offshore finance bring both large numbers of wealthy pleasure-seeking visitors and illegal immigrants, with the inevitable moral impact on island life. Some of these new arrivals seek only to find legitimate employment in a relatively stable country; others have more questionable motives. Pray for local Christians and for their witness to both tourists and immigrants.

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  3. This content is a curated selection of points from our book, Operation World. Find out more about it and all the rest of Our Publications ›

Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.

March 19 - Pray for: Brunei

Flag for Brunei
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Islam dominates life in Brunei. The Islam practised here is conservative, but not radical. Pressure results in a slow stream of converts to Islam from among the tribal and Chinese minorities. The constitution guarantees religious freedom, but it is illegal to evangelize and illegal for a Muslim to convert to another religion. Government agents often go undercover in other religious groups to monitor them. The Sultan is considered the world’s 2nd wealthiest royal. He established a world-class university, and now works to hand over rule smoothly to the crown prince. Pray for conversions to Christ in the large royal family. Pray for spiritual openness and for religious freedom.


The Christian Church exists under very difficult conditions. Evangelism is illegal, and although the number of Christians grows, no new registrations for churches are forthcoming. No foreign Christian workers are permitted - visiting ministers must arrive unannounced and in secret. Importing Bibles and Christian literature is illegal for ministry purposes, but not for personal purposes. Religious instruction in all schools, including the six Christian schools, is on Islam alone. Pray for:

  • Perseverance, boldness and unity. Their harsh treatment has drawn together most of the churches and birthed a holy determination among many. Pray for Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution.
  • Christian leadership that is schooled in the Word, anointed by the Spirit and able to build up all believers. Almost every Bible study and underground church is run by an untrained layperson.
  • Numerical growth despite restrictions. Most of those converted are local tribal peoples and Chinese; pray for new believers from among all ethnic groups and segments of society.

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  3. This content is a curated selection of points from our book, Operation World. Find out more about it and all the rest of Our Publications ›

Content taken or adapted from Operation World, 7th Edition (2010) and Pray for the World (2015). Both books are published by InterVarsity Press. All rights reserved.